Who are the participants?
Students of math and science fields in their 2nd or 3rd years. All must be authorized by the program’s coordinator.
What’s the goal of the program?
Giving technological skill to students for leading industries in Israel and worldwide. And giving work experience that will help them merge into the industry quickly.
What does the program offer?
Wide variety of projects in multiple fields, mangers and courses, industrial environment to acquire professional work experience with self-learning and team work.
What are the responsibilities?
Performance in the project’s planning, development and document writing. At the end the students will submit documentation, poster, presentation, video, all the code and a working system.
What’s the role of the project manager?
Guiding the group, display and describe a problem, help with scientific and technological aspects, help with project’s structure and planning, report project’s progression.
Student’s efforts:
Must participate in all meetings, one meeting per week ,up to 3 hours per meeting plus 6 hours a week of self-learning and working on the project.
How much credit points do I get?
7 credit points and it counts as 2 courses for you degree.
Can I register to more than 1 project?
Maximum 2 projects (requires authorization)
You can not be registered to 2 projects at the same time.
Minimum average and Other requirements
Only students with an average of 80 or above can participate in a project.
When can I register?
Development Tools:
I have more questions!
Contact : shirany.hit@gmail.com or marki@hit.ac.il
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