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Maintanance managment
Full Stack
Project Guide :
Tal Gumai
Development :
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Hebrew Year :
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The essence of the project The field of routine maintenance is a field that occupies a significant share of the organization's expenses. Also, routine maintenance is the most efficient way to ensure the safety of use and the integrity of the installed equipment. For proper maintenance, a number of conditions must be met: 1. Skilled manpower to perform the maintenance. 2. The employee's arrival at the maintenance location at the scheduled time. 3. Perform routine maintenance in accordance with procedures established by the organization / manufacturer. 4. Effective flow of information about changes and / or additions to established procedures. Today, in the field of maintenance there is a problem of supervision and control over the maintenance that is carried out. That is, there is a lack of: • On the one hand, in the platform that guides the maintenance man in the field, what should a maintenance person perform, in what order of operations and whether there have been changes and / or additions in the maintenance process. • On the other hand, the platform which provides a real-time measure of the control room and control over the maintenance performed. Rationale for application development By developing the application, gaps of: 1. Confession of routine maintenance, which takes place at the required time and extent. 2. Quality of routine maintenance. 3. Efficient flow of information related to field maintenance. 4. Collection of data for the scope of routine maintenance. Project Tasks • An application is an application for collecting information from a field maintenance • person, for the purpose of monitoring the level of routine maintenance • An identification component will be developed for the users • The application will have access to location services and the camera of the mobile device • The application developed by the Mobile app, for the Android operating system • The system will have a management interface (for -manager- and administrator users) adapted to the windows 10 operating system • The application will be developed as a Multilanguage application. The default language will be set by the administrator
Emphasis in project execution
The project is has cooperation with the industry and combines meeting deadlines while being creative and focused on the task
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